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Sam Darling

Below the beautiful song Laylay by Sövkət Ələkbərova, and the superb animation work from the creative Russian group METRONOME FILM, part of a project called “Lullabies of the World.”

As some of you may have noticed, we have a new mouth in our opera household. As I hum various Bach oratorios to this little one in the middle of the night I think about standard folk songs and what people used to sing to children.

I bet there are a whole lot of new parents using Beatles songs as their go-to evening melody now that folk songs are out of fashion.

With our oldest we learned about these fantastic Lullabies of the World animated songs on youtube. As a contrast to the frenetic quality of modern music I find all of these songs beautifully soothing and gentle, but not as repetitive as most nursery rhymes. The Swedish one is particularly haunting.

There’s a lot more variety out there than merely Rock-a-bye Baby. You may want to expand your own personal repertoire for the sake of your sanity. 😉  Throw in some Bach or Mozart while you’re at it. It’s good for you and the bambina.

Sam Chardin with baby
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